Biking with Melanie and Mimi

June 07, 2021 00:45:46
Biking with Melanie and Mimi
MProper Mimi
Biking with Melanie and Mimi

Jun 07 2021 | 00:45:46


Hosted By

Mimi Jacks

Show Notes

MProper Mimi and Melanie chat together about the good ole days of biking together in Boston. Tune in as these ladies have stories for days on how to stay safe finding people to ride with, building endurance and eating during rides!  

Be sure to follow Melanie on Twitter @melaniemorristv  

Listen to MProper Mimi wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts like Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Castbox, Breaker, iHeartRadio and more!


Mimi Jacks 


Produced by Cyren Young

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