Watch Her Win, New York: Entrepreneurship Pros, Cons and Everything in Between - Part 1

July 26, 2021 00:47:14
Watch Her Win, New York: Entrepreneurship Pros, Cons and Everything in Between - Part 1
MProper Mimi
Watch Her Win, New York: Entrepreneurship Pros, Cons and Everything in Between - Part 1

Jul 26 2021 | 00:47:14


Hosted By

Mimi Jacks

Show Notes

S2 Ep12 Part 1: Watch her Win, New York - Entrepreneurship Pros, Cons and Everything in Between (Part 1). I just have to say wow! Mproper Mimi partnered with Watch Her Win New York President and Founder Obioma Richardson to do a live podcast recording in Chicago, IL. This event was a wonderful hybrid blend of six (6) powerful panelist speakers each sharing their own stories, tips and tricks to being successful entrepreneurs. The virtual portion of the webinar was managed by Rasheeda Frazier of Empowering Greatness, Inc.  Sometimes it takes a tribe to support each other and Mimi Jacks and Rasheeda enjoyed bring a lil bit of NYC to Chicago to support our sisterfriend Obioma with this event because that's what Queens do! Our panelists (listed below) talked about their paths to making the decision to start on their entrepreneurship journeys as well as how or if they used technology to help them along the way. They touched on having mentors, the lack of stability, figuring out how hard you want to work for yourself, pushing through, and something we love here on the MProper Mimi podcast...telling your story! Whether you are marketing, expanding your brand or giving a pitch to your daughter's school you have to be able to tell your story in a way that connects with people. Co-Produced by Cyren Young and Mimi Jacks. Sandi Robinson - Co-Founder of ChiGivesBack, Inc. @sandirobinson13 Astin Hayes - Co-Founder and CEO of TipOff Games, LLC @astinjustice Foram Sheth - Chief Coaching Officer & Co-Founder of Ama La Vida @alvcoaching Marcus Lucy - Founder and CEO of the Marcus Lucy Experience and Urban Grind Robin Harris - CEO and Creative Director of Model Atelier and Confidence Apparel @rhmodelatelier  Norman Scales - Co-Founder of Confidence Apparel and Confidence Foundation @shop.confidence Look out for the Watch Her Win, New York - Entrepreneurship Pros, Cons and Everything in Between (Part 2) episode August 2, 2021! @watchherwin @empower_great @mpropermimi @buildbronzeville @la_chi_bk @sbdcbronzeville One Love!  --- Support this podcast:

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